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How to Optimize Your Pinterest Boards

How to Optimize Your Pinterest Boards

Create Pinterest boards strategically, and pin and repin relevant content to build a strong presence.
How does Pinterest know which cars to compare? By keywords. You should include keywords in your board names, board descriptions, and in the descriptions of each photo you pin. This tells Pinterest how to categorize your pins and content. To optimize your content, start by doing keyword research. Search Pinterest for terms that correlate to your audience and industry.
As you type, Pinterest auto-suggests a variety of terms to help you narrow down your search. Make note of these terms.
Add them to your pin descriptions, board titles, image text, and profiles. You should also integrate relevant hashtags with corresponding phrases.
For example, CaféPress has Pinterest boards for various product segments. Clicking on their pin highlighting masks for kids showed a thorough description comprising a variety of relevant keywords.

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Note that they integrated “Kids Face Masks” into both the title and description. They included a variety of adjectives people may use when searching for masks: reusablewashable, and comfort.
The image is appealing for kids too. By using effective pin images and optimizing pin designs with a consistent look and feel across all the pins on their board, CaféPress tailored their content to how people search on Pinterest.

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