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Will Smith | Speech |

 How much is fear play into preventing us fromgrasping perspective, though? Oh no! Fear is everything. Yeah, like if there is if there was one conceptthat I would suggest to people to take a daily confrontation with, it’s fear. The problem with fear is that it lies, right. So, fear tells you, "Hey, you know, if yousay that to that girl she's going to know she has you, you know, and she'll never reallybe attracted to you if she knows how much you attracted to her. Don't say that, no! How we get her is when she walks by, ignoreher." You know, fear tells you dumb shit like that.

Okay, you know. So, for me, the daily confrontation with fearhas become a real practice for me since about three years ago. I went skydiving in Dubai, right! As skydiving, skydiving is a really interestingconfront with fear, right. So, I got to stand up. So, all your friends… What happens you go out, how you… Oh sorry, drop my thing… So, what happens is you go out the night beforeand you-you know. You take a drink with your friends and somebodysays, "Yeah! We should go skydiving tomorrow." And you go, "Yeah, we'll go skydiving tomorrow." Yeah, yeah! Yeah, right? And you go home by yourself, you like, “hmm…” You like, "Well, yeah." I mean, they were drunk too, right? So, maybe they not, maybe-maybe, I mean. We don't have to go. We don’t have to do it. So then, that night you're laying in yourbed and you just keep “hmm” And you're terrified. You keep imagining over and over again jumpingout of an airplane, and you can't figure out why you would do that, right! And you're laying there you have the worstnight's sleep of your life but you still have the hope that your friends were drunk, right. So, you wake up the next day. You go, you know, down. You say where you were going to meet and everybody'sthere. You're like, "Oh shit!" Alright, alright. Cool, cool, cool, cool, right! So, you get in the van and you don't knowthat your friends have the same night that you had cuz they're pretended like they didn'tit. Like, "Yeah, man! My uncle's a Navy SEAL and, you know, thisis going to be great. I've been looking forward to this." You like, "Oh my god! Oh my god!" And your stomach is terrible. You can't eat and everything but you don'twant to be the only funk who doesn't jump out of this airplane. So, you get there and then you have the safetybrief. And you're standing there and the guys willtell you what the chute doesn't open what's going to happen is, you're doing… What…Would…What could happen? The chute, the chute would open, right? So, you do a thing and what you do is yourfirst jump you're attached to a guy who is going, you know, he's going to walk you out. So, you go and you get there, and there'san airplane and nobody's stopping. Everybody's still going. So, you get onto the airplane and you're sittingthere, and, you know, it's extra because you're sitting on some dude’s lap, some strangeryou sit on his lap. And it's all you know. You got trying to make small talk, "Yeah man!" So, you-you've been jumping with people allthe time. Right. You know. So, and then you just want to make sure, "Yougot, you got kids, right? You got people you need to see, right?" Just want to make sure he's serious, right. So, you get in there. So, everything's normal. So, you fly and you go up, you go up, yougo up, you go up to 14,000 feet, and you notice there's a light: It's red, and it's yellowand green. Right. So right now, the lights red. So, then you start thinking at some pointthe lights going to go green because you don't know what's going to happen, right. And you wait, and it goes yellow, and thelight goes green, and somebody opens the door and at that moment, you realize you've neverbeen in a freaking airplane with the door open. Right! Terror!!! Oh sorry, I spit… Oh sorry… Terror! Terror! Terror! Terror! Right! So, you go and then, you know, if you're,if you were smart you sat in the back, so you don't go first, right. And then, people start going out of the airplane,and you go, and the guy walks you up to the end of the thing and you're standing and yourtoes are on the edge, and you're looking out down to death. And they say, "On three!" And they say, “One, two…” And he pushes you on two because people grabon three, right. And you go… And you fall out of the airplane and in onesecond you realize that it's the most blissful experience of your life. You're flying, right. It doesn't feel like falling, right. It's like that you, actually, are kind ofheld a little bit by the wind and then, you start, and youstart falling, you falling, and you, there's zero fear. You realize that the point of maximum dangeris the point of minimum fear. It's bliss! It's bliss! And you're flying…. And you're doing it... And then 20 seconds, 25 seconds, 40 seconds,and you have enough time to just kind of like, "Ah! That's that building I saw that morning…Oh,I can see the ocean…" Right? You start doing all of that, and the lessonfor me was: Why were you scared in your bed the night beforeWhy did you…what do you need that fear for? Just don't go! Why are you scared in your bed 16 hours before? You jump? Why are you scared in the car? Why could you not enjoy breakfast? What would…What would you need that? Fear is…Fear of what? You’re now where to even near to the airplane. Everything is up to the stepping out. There's actually no reason to be scared! It only just ruins your day. You don't have to jump. And then, at that moment all of a sudden whereyou should be terrified is the most blissful experience of your life, and God placed thebest things in life on the other side of Terror. On the other side of your maximum fear orall of the best things in life. You know, so that was…oh, sorry. So, that was, yeah, that was, that was myexperience with skydiving and fear. All right, all right. So, practically speaking… But, I didn't like that take, I'm gonna doit again. Back to the top. I can sell that better. I can sell that better. When did you decide to do something like that? Like, how does it work practically? Do you call your wife and be like, "I mightbe dead tomorrow." Right. No, but that's what… I never… Just promise… Yeah, I made a drunk promise, yeah. How about this, so I jumped I had such a mysticalpowerful spiritual experience I flew home and got my sons, and I went back and ten dayslater my son's jumped. Right. Now, that was a little different……that makes me spit… Because I'm scared I'm scared, right. So, it was one…So, Jayden went first, right. Jayden wants to do everything first. So, I'm sitting there and I'm like, "Yeah,my sons are going to have this crazy experience." And then Jayden went out of the airplane,I was like, “hmm…” Then my oldest son Trey goes up and he goesout of the airplane, and I was like, "This could potentially be the worst display ofAfrican-American parenting in history". I was like, both my sons just fell out ofan airplane. Jump…jump, right! Because I told them to and that…but againthe fear again. I was like, "Oh my god". So, I told the dude. I was like, "Listen! I want to see them go out but I also wantto see them land." And he's like, "No, it’s cool". So, this time we went out and we did the straightbullet. And I just went straight down, past them,right. Are you good? Right. Did the bullet straight past, pull the chutelate…Oh, sorry. It makes me spit… I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Pulled the chute late, landed and then videothem coming down. But it was like, they had the same thing,the same experience with the fear but that I'm telling you the confrontation with fearis an absolutely magical way of facing the things we have to do in this life. You know, forget security live for experience. So, with that, every morning when I get outof the bed, you know, I haven't fixed everything in the world yet so there's always somethingto do, and in this film, I read an interesting quote…the Siddhārtha Gautama, the Buddha,he said that "Good people have to get out of the bed every day and try to empty theocean with a ladle". Right. And I thought that was, you know, I knew thatwas profound and I paused for a second, and I said, "All right, what the hell is a ladle? Right? Right? So there, you know, I just…I touched iton my iPad, what’s ladle? Oh! It's like a big spoon…a big spoon, okay. Like a soup spoon, yeah. A soup spoon. I was like, "Why your soup spoon". So, trying to empty the ocean with a soupspoon, you know, as the mentality of how you wake up every day to try to do good in theworld. So, for me I'm…uh…I'm really driven bycontinually trying to elevate my, elevate my mind and elevate my spirit, and care formy body and to be able to love as many people as effectively as possible with this mysteryof life that I've been given. 

Muniba Nazari | Speech |

 Thank you so much for all the love, for allthe warm. Thank you all for accepting me. Thank you very much. Well, I always start my talk with some disclaimer. And that disclaimer is that I never claimedto be a motivational speaker. Yes, I do speak. But I feel like a storyteller. Because where ever I go I share a story with everyone. I believe in the power of words. Many people speak before they think. But I know the value of words. Words can make you, break you, they can healyour soul, they can damage you forever. So, I always try to use positive words inmy life. Wherever I go, they call it adversity, I callit opportunity.

They call it a weakness, I call it strength. They call me to disable, I call myself differentlyable. They see my disability. They see my disability. I see my ability. There are some incidents that happened inyour life. And those incidents are so strong that theychange your DNA. Those incidents and accidents are so strongthat they break you physically. They deform your body but they transform yoursoul. Those incidents break you, deform you butthey mold you into the best version of you. And the same thing happened to me. And I am going to share what exactly happenedto me. I was 18 years old when I got married. I belong to a very conservative family, aBaloch family. My father wanted me to get married and allI said was if that makes you happy, I will say ‘YES’. and of course, it was nevera happy marriage. Just about after 2 years of getting married,about 9 years ago, I met a car accident. Somehow my husband fell asleep and the carfell into the ditch. He managed to jump out, saved himself. I am happy for him. But I stayed inside the car and I sustaina lot of injuries. My right arm was fractured, whist was fractured,shoulder bone and collarbone was fractured. And because of the rib cage injury, lungsand liver were badly injured. I couldn’t breathe. I lost urine control. That’s why I have to wear the bag whereever I go. But that injuries changed me and my life completely. As a person, my perception towards livingmy life was the spine injury. My backbone was completely crushed. And I got paralyzed for the rest of my life. So this accident took place in a far-flungarea of Balochistan where there was no first aid, no hospital, no ambulance. I was in the middle of nowhere. Many people came to rescue. They drag me out of the car. While they were dragging me out I got thecomplete transaction of my spinal cord. And now there was this debate going on, shouldwe keep it here, she is going to die, or where should we go. There was no ambulance. The was one four wheeler jeep standing inthe corner of the street. They said, put her in the back of the jeepand take her to the hospital which is 3 hours away from this place. And I still remember that bumpy ride. I was all broken. They threw me in the back of the jeep andthey rushed me to the hospital. That is where I realized that my half bodywas paralyzed and half body was fractured. I finally ended up in a hospital where I stayedfor two and a half months. I underwent multiple surgeries. Doctors have put a lot of titanium in my armsand there was a lot of titanium on my back to fix my back. That’s why, In Pakistan, people called methe ‘Iron Lady’ of Pakistan. Sometimes I wonder how easy it is for me todescribe all this all over again. And somebody has rightly said that when youshare your story and it doesn’t make you cry, that means you are healing. Those two and a half months, in the hospital,were droughtful. I will not make a story just to inspire you. I was on the verge of dis-pare. One day the doctor came to me, and he said,well I heard that you want to be an artist, but you ended up being a housewife. I have bad news for you. You won’t be able to paint again becauseyour wrist and arm are so deformed. You won’t be able to hold the pen again. And I stayed quiet. Next day, the doctor came to me and said,your spine injury is so bad you won’t be able to walk again. I took a deep breath. And I said it’s alright. Again, Next day the doctor came and said,because of your spine injury and your fixation that you have in your back, you won’t beable to give birth to a child again. That day, I was devastated. I still remember, I ask my mother, why me,and that is where I started to question my existence. Why am I even alive? What’s the point of living? I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t paint, fine. I cannot be a mother and we have this thingin our head being women that we are incomplete without. Having children, I am going to be an incompletewoman for the rest of my life. What’s the point? People are scared that they think I will getdivorced. What is going to happen to me? Why me? Why Am I alive? We all try to chase this tunnel. We all do this. Because we see lights at the end of the tunnelwhich keeps us going. My dear friends, in my situation, there wasa tunnel that I had to roll on but there was no light. And that is where I realized the words havethe power to heal the soul. My mother said to me that this two sell-pass. God has a greater plan for you. I don’t know what it is. But he surely has. And all in that distress and grief, mom’sthose words were so magical that they kept me going. I was trying to put my smile on my face allthe time hiding the pain. It was so hard to hide the pain which wasthere. But all I knew was that I will give up, mymother and brother will give up too. I cannot see them crying with me. So what kept me going was one day I askedmy brother, I know, I have a deformed hand but I am tired of looking at these white wallsin the hospital and wearing this white scraps. I am getting tired of this. I want to add more colors to my life. I want to do something. Bring me some colors, I want to paint. so the very first painting I made was on mydeathbed. It was not just an art piece or not just mypassion. It was my therapy. What an amazing therapy it was. without saying a single word, I could paintmy heart out. I could share my story. People used to come and say, ‘wow, whata lovely painting’. so much color, nobody sees the grief in it. Only I could. So that’s how I spend my two and a halfmonths in the hospital. Lying, never complaining or whining but painting. And then I was discharged. And I went back home. and I realized that I have developed a lotof pressure ulcers on my back, on my hipbone. I was unable to sit. There were a lot of infections all over mybody, a lot of allergies. So Doctor wanted me to lie down on the bedstraight. For not six months, for not 1 year, but fortwo years I was bedridden confined in that one room looking outside the window listeningto the birds chirping and thinking there will be a time when we will be going out with thefamily and enjoying the nature. That was the time, where I realized how luckypeople are but they don’t realize. That is the time where I realized, the dayI going to sit, I am going to share this pain to make them realize how blessed they areand they even don’t consider them lucky. There are always turning points in your life. There was a rebirthday that I celebrated. After two years and two and a half monthswhen I was able to sit in a wheelchair. That was the day where I had the rebirth. I was a completely different person. I still remember the day I sat on the wheelchairfirst time knowing that I am never going to live this, knowing that I am never going towalk for the rest of my life. I saw myself in the mirror. and I talked tomy self. And I still remember what I said. I cannot wait for a miracle to come and makeme walk. I cannot sit in the corner of the room crying,cripping and begging mercy because nobody has time. So, I have to accept my self, the way I am,the sooner the better. So, I applied the lip color for the firsttime. And I erased it. and I cried and I said whatam I doing. A person on a wheelchair should not do this. What will people say? Clean it up. Put it back again. This time I put it to myself. Because I want to feel perfect from within. And that day I decided I am going to a lifeof myself. I am not going to be that perfect person forsomeone. I am just going to take this moment and Iwill make it perfect for myself. And do you know, how we all begin? That day I decided, I am going to fight myfears. We all have fears. Fear of the unknown, fear of known. Fear of losing people. Fear of losing health, money. We want to excel in a career. We want to become famous. We want to get money. We are scared all the time. so I wrote down one by one, all those fears. And I decided I am going to overcome thosefears one at a time. You know what was my biggest fear. Divorce. I couldn’t stand this word. I was trying to cling on this person who didn’twant me anymore. But I said no, I have to make it work. But the day I decided that this is nothingbut my fear. I liberated myself by setting him free. And I made myself emotionally so strong thatthe day I got news that he is getting married, I sent him a text and said, ‘I am so happyfor you’ and wanna wish you all the best. And he knows that I pray for him today. My biggest fear number two was I won’t beable to be a mother again and that was quite devastating for me. But then I realize, there are so many childrenin the world, all they want is the acceptance. So there is no point of crying, just go andadopt one. That’s what I did. I gave my name to different organizations,different orphanages. I didn’t mention, I am on the wheelchair,dying to have a child. so I told then this is Muniba Mazari and shewants to adopt, boy-girl what so ever. But I want to adopt and I waited patiently. Two years later, I got this call from a verysmall city in Pakistan. They said, ‘Are you Muniba Mazari’. There is a baby boy. Would you like to adopt? And When I said ‘Yes’, I could literallyfeel the labor pain. Yes Yes, I am going to adopt him. I am coming to take him home. And when I reached there, the man was sittingthere and he was looking at me from head to toe. Don’t judge me, I am in a wheelchair. You know what he said, ‘I know you willbe the best mother of this child. You both will be lucky to have each other’. And that day, he was two days old and todayhe is six. You will be surprised to know the bigger fearthat I had in me. It was facing people. I used to hide from people. When I was in bed for two years and I usedto keep the doors closed. I used to pretend that I am not going to meetanyone. Tell them I am sleeping. You know why? Because I couldn’t stand that sympathy thatthey had for me. They used to treat me like a patient. When I used to smile, look at me and said,‘You are smiling, are you OK’. I was tired of this question being asked. Are you sick? Well, a lady at the airport asked me, ‘Areyou sick’. And I said, well, besides this spinal cordinjury, I am fine. I guess. Those were really cute questions. They never used to feel cute when I was onthe bed. so I used to hide from people knowing thatOh my god I am not going to see that sympathy on their eyes. It’s all right. Today, I am here speaking to all these amazingpeople. Because I have overcome the fear. You know when you ended up being in the wheelchair,what’s the most painful thing? That’s another fear. People on the wheelchair, who are differentlyable to have their hearts but they never share. I will share that with you. The lack of acceptance. People think that they will not be acceptedby the people because we and the world of perfect people are imperfects. So, I decided instead of starting an INGO,NGO for disabilities awareness which I know will not help anyone, I started to appearmore in public. I started to paint. I always wanted to. I have a lot of exhibitions for Pakistan,I have done a lot of modeling campaign, different campaign for brands like tony and guy. I have done some really funny breaking thebarriers kinds of modelings. There was this one by the name clown townwhere I became a clown because I know that clowns have a heart too. So, when you accept yourself, the way youare, the world recognizes you. It all starts from within. I became the national goodwill ambassadorof UN women, Pakistan. And now I speak for the rights of women andchildren. We talk about inclusion, diversity, genderequality which is a must. I was featured in BBC 100 women for 2015. One of the Forbes 30 under 30 for 2016. And it all didn’t happen alone. You all are thriving in your careers. You have bigger dreams and aspirations inlife. Always remember one thing, on the road tosuccess there is always ‘We’ not ‘Me’. Do not think that you alone can achieve things. No, there is always another person, who isstanding behind you, maybe not coming on the forefront, behind you, supporting you. Never lose that person. Never. No matter how much I say that I couldn’tfind a hero. so I became one. I still want to recognize those three peoplein my life who literally changed my life completely and I get inspiration from them every singleday. The women who believe in me even when I wascompletely on the verge of dis-pare where everybody left, she was there. And every time, I looked at her saying. She used to look at me and said, it’s toosell pass. God has a bigger plan. One day you will say that Oh my God, thatis why God has chosen me. She never cried in front of me. She always said that there will be haters,there will be naysayers, there will be disbelievers and there will be you to proving them wrong. My mother. Whatever I am today, I am nothing withouther. I am nothing without her. Thank you, mama, I wish you were here. Thank you for making me, who I am today. You know, what we human being have a problem. We always expect each from lives. We have this amazing fantasy about life. This is how things should work. This is my plan. It should go as per my plan. If that doesn’t happen, we give up. So my dear friends, let me tell you one thing. I never wanted to be in a wheelchair. Never thought of being in a wheelchair. I was always aspiring to do bigger things. and I had no idea, for that, I have to paythe price to be where I am today. It’s a very heavy price. This life is a test and a trial. Tests are trials. I never supposed to be easy and why you areexpecting each from lives. And life gives you the lemon. and you madethe lemonade. and then do not blame for life for that. Because you were expecting each from a trial. Trial make you a stronger better person. Life is a trial. Every time you realize that. It is OK to be scared. It is OK to cry. Everything is OK. but giving up is not bean option, should not be an option. They always say that failure is not an option. Failure should be an option. When you fail, you get up and then you fail,then you get up, that keeps you going. That’s how humans are strong. A failure is an option. It should be an option. but giving up is not. Never. We have these things in minds. We call it perfection. We want everything perfect. We want our self to be perfect. Perfect life, Perfect relationships, Perfectcareer, Perfect amount of money that we need to earn no matter what. Nothing is perfect in this world. We all are perfectly imperfect. And that is perfectly alright. That’s alright! You were sent here not to become perfect people. Those people who tell you how to look perfecteven those people are imperfect. Trying to fight this fear of looking imperfect. I used to be perfect. I still remember I got this complements, yearsago, when I used to walk. OMG, look at you, you are so fair, you aretall, you are perfect. Look at me now. Only the perfect eyes can see that. Only the perfect eyes will see that. Only the perfect eyes will see that. So, Yes. And all those imperfections you have to listento your hearts. You don’t have to look good for people. You don’t have to be perfect just becauseother people wanted you to be perfect. If your soul is perfect from within. That’s all right! This is all that you want. This is all that you need to be. Our society has made a very weird, very weirdkind of norms to look perfect in grade. For a man, it’s different. For a woman, it’s different. We think too much about what people say. We listen to ourselves too little. You know what makes you perfect. When you make someone smile. You know what makes you perfect when you tryto do something good for the people around you. You know what makes you perfect. when you feel someone’s pain. And how beautiful pain is that it connectswith people. No other medium can connect you other butpain. That’s why I always say I am in pain. That’s a blessing for me. Today, just because I am in pain and I amon the wheelchair, I work for children. Being the head of CSRF of company we conductmedical camps in far-flung areas of Pakistan where so many kids died because there theydon’t have medical facilities. And I personally believe that just becausethey cannot afford to live doesn’t mean that we will let them die. so we give them money, we give them medicaltreatment. We try to heal their wounds. Physical and emotional. And I also work for the beautiful people wecall them third gender. The transgender community of Pakistan. You know, what connects me with them. All my imperfections. When I go and hug them they never judge meand this very good friend of mine. Her name is Bijli. Bijli means electricity. She called herself electricity. And I said are you electricity. She says ‘no’. I am lighting. I am as strong as lightning. I am thunder. I am lightning. She came to me and the first time I hugged she said You are justlike me. And I said I am like you. Because to people, we are so imperfect. So how beautiful these imperfections are. Because of these imperfections, you can connectto people then why are we all running after being perfect. What’s the point? Every time I go in public. I smile. And People asked me, ‘Don’t you get tiredof smiling all the time’ What’s the secret. I always say one thing. I have stopped worrying about the things thatI have lost, people I have lost. Things and people who were meant to be withme are with me. And sometimes somebody’s absence makes youa better person. Cherish their absence. It always a blessing. I always say that people are so lucky thateven they don’t realize, you must be thinking. OK. You are lucky in that sense. Well, the breath you just took now was a blessing. Embraces it. There are so many people in the world whoare dreaming to live a life that you are living right now. You have no idea. Embraces each and every breath you are taking. Celebrate your life. Live it. Don’t die before your death. We all die. We live this one routine of the day for 75years and we call it life. No that’s not life. If you are still thinking about why you havebeen sent here. If you are still juggling with the conceptof why you are here, you haven’t lived yet. You work hard. You make money. You do it for yourself. That’s not life. You go out and seek for people who need yourhelp. You make their lives better. You add colors to their lives, you add valuesto their lives. You become that sponge which removes all negativity. You can become that person who can emit beautifulpositive vibes and when you realize that you have changed someone’s life. And Because of you, this person didn’t giveup. That is the day, when you live, Always. We were talking about gratitude. Why I smile all the time. I cry all night when nobody sees me. Because I am a human and I have to keep thebalance. And I smiled all day because I know that ifI smile I can make people smile, that keeps me going. Be grateful, what you have. And you will always always always ended upwith having more. But if you will cry, if you will crip forthe little things that you don’t have or the things you have lost. You will never ever have enough. Sometimes we are too busy thinking about thethings that we don’t have. Forget. Cherish the blessings that we have. I am not saying that I am not healthy thatmakes me unlucky. But Yes, it is hard. It is hard when I say I can’t walk. It’s hard when I say I have to wear that bag. It hurts. but I have to keep going. Because never giving up is the way to live. Always. So well, end my talk, on a very short note. Live your life fully. Accept the way you are. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to yourself. I will repeat, Be kind to yourself. and then only we can be kind to others. Love your self. Spread that love. Life will be hard. There will be turmoil, there will be trials. But that will only make you stronger. Never give up. The real happiness does not lie in money orsuccess or fame. I have all this and I have never wanted this. Real happiness lies in gratitude. So be grateful and be alive and live in everymoment. Thank you so much, everyone 

How To get Instagram Followers (2020)

 Instagram Promotion Guide
Create Content

Posting more content is key, the more you post, the more you will understand your
audience. Many successful businesses post more than once a day. Just keep in mind
quality over quantity. This means that you should get creative, release content in the form
of videos, quotes, captions, photos and more. (Or even Instagram live doing a
podcast/review!) You can show people using your products and uploading it as a photo
or lifestyle photos of your brand. User generated content is a great content type.
The more great content you produce, the more followers and brand awareness you will

Promote your Instagram on other channels
If you made a great post on Instagram, then we advise to not let it go to waste and post it
on Facebook, twitter and other channels as well! Just keep in mind that some practices are
exclusive to Instagram, which means you should modify the post a bit for Facebook for
Another example is to publish your Instagram content on your ecommerce site, use
photos of your customers from user generated content as social proof.

As covered in Instagram Tagging & filters guide asset, tagging is a great way to promote
your business. You can tag your followers, your own products or even locations to reach a
larger audience.

You can pay influencers to advertise your products, the biggest influencers might be out  
of your reach, but smaller and medium once have bigger engagement % than most larger  
influencers, so finding something for your niche can work great. You can also build long
lasting relationships with these influencers. With influencers you can reach your audience
on a new level. Often followers trust influencers a lot, meaning if they trust them they will
trust your products. Again try to get creative with the influencer that you are working with.
The better the content you produce with the influencer the better the engagement will be
and thus higher sales.

Contests & Giveaways
Contests and giveaways are a great way to increase your following fast, but it has to be
done the right way. You don’t want followers to leave or become inactive on your page
after the giveaway is over, you will need quality content for them to stay engaged. We
advise trying out a few giveaways and see how it goes, and figuring out what your audience
likes the most. You need the hook but also the sinker to keep them on the line.

Build your profile for promotion 
As explained in the profile guide asset, building a business ready profile is key in your
promotion strategy. Having brand colors just right, and creating the right theme for your  
Instagram page is important. Make sure you include your site to your products, and keep
your bio clean and easy to read.

Using Instagram Features
There are many great features to use when it comes to Instagram, we put down a list below
for you to gain inspiration from:
- Stories
- Photos
- Instagram live
- Highlights
- Interactive stickers
- Gifs
- Quiz
There are many more features on Instagram, to always be on top of things, we suggest
always staying up to date with the latest Instagram features to surprise your audience.

Paid ad campaigns
On top of all of the above, you can also use paid ad campaigns. To make a successful paid
ad campaign you can look at what worked so far with your content, and reproduce that but
now in paid ad form. Make your paid ad content just as good as your regular content, and
surely your audience and new audience will enjoy it.

Bill Gates | Speech |

 President Bok, former President Rudenstine,incoming President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, membersof the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduates: I’ve been waiting more than 30 years tosay this: “Dad, I always told you I’d come back and get my degree.” I want to thank Harvard for this timely honor. 

I’ll be changing my job next year … andit will be nice to finally have a college degree on my resume. I applaud the graduates today for taking amuch more direct route to your degrees.

For my part, I’m just happy that the Crimsonhas called me “Harvard’s most successful dropout.” I guess that makes me valedictorian of myown special class … I did the best of everyone who failed. But I also want to be recognized as the guywho got Steve Ballmer to drop out of business school. I’m a bad influence. That’s why I was invited to speak at yourgraduation. If I had spoken at your orientation, fewerof you might be here today. 

Harvard was just a phenomenal experience forme. Academic life was fascinating. I used to sit in on lots of classes I hadn’teven signed up for. And dorm life was terrific. I lived up at Radcliffe, in Currier House. There were always lots of people in my dormroom late at night discussing things, because everyone knew I didn’t worry about gettingup in the morning. That’s how I came to be the leader of theanti-social group. 

We clung to each other as a way of validatingour rejection of all those social people. Bill Gates addresses the Harvard Alumni Associationin Tecentenary Theater at Harvard University’s 2007 Commencement Afternoon Exercises. Radcliffe was a great place to live. There were more women up there, and most ofthe guys were science-math types. That combination offered me the best odds,if you know what I mean. This is where I learned the sad lesson thatimproving your odds doesn’t guarantee success. 

One of my biggest memories of Harvard camein January 1975, when I made a call from Currier House to a company in Albuquerque that had begun makingthe world’s first personal computers. I offered to sell them software. I worried that they would realize I was justa student in a dorm and hang up on me. Instead they said: “We’re not quite ready,come see us in a month,” which was a good thing, because we hadn’t written the softwareyet. 

From that moment, I worked day and night onthis little extra credit project that marked the end of my college education and the beginningof a remarkable journey with Microsoft. What I remember above all about Harvard wasbeing in the midst of so much energy and intelligence. It could be exhilarating, intimidating, sometimeseven discouraging, but always challenging.

 It was an amazing privilege – and thoughI left early, I was transformed by my years at Harvard, the friendships I made, and theideas I worked on. But taking a serious look back … I do haveone big regret. I left Harvard with no real awareness of theawful inequities in the world – the appalling disparities of health, and wealth, and opportunitythat condemn millions of people to lives of despair. 

I learned a lot here at Harvard about newideas in economics and politics. I got great exposure to the advances beingmade in the sciences. But humanity’s greatest advances are notin its discoveries – but in how those discoveries are applied to reduce inequity. Whether through democracy, strong public education,quality health care, or broad economic opportunity – reducing inequity is the highest human achievement. 

George Bush Speech

 I once heard it said of man that the ideais to die young, as late as possible. At age 85, a favorite pastime of George H.W.Bush was firing up his boat, the Fidelity, and opening up the three 300-horsepower engines to fly — joyfully fly — across the Atlantic with the Secret Service boats straining to keep up. At age 90, George H.W. Bush parachuted out of an aircraft and landed on the grounds of St. Ann’s by the Sea in Kennebunkport, Maine,the church where his mom was married and where he worshiped often. 

Mother liked to say he chose the locationjust in case the chute didn’t open. After high school, he put college on holdand became a Navy fighter pilot as World War II broke out. Like many of his generation, he never talkedabout his service until his time as a public figure forced his hand.

We learned of the attack on Chichi Jima, themission completed, the shoot-down. We learned of the death of his crew mates,whom he thought about throughout his entire life. And we learned of the rescue. And then another audacious decision: He movedhis young family from the comforts of the East Coast to Odessa, Texas. He and Mom adjusted to their arid surroundingsquickly. 

He was a tolerant man. After all, he was kind and neighborly to thewomen with whom he, Mom and I shared a bathroom in our small duplex, even after he learnedtheir profession: ladies of the night. Dad could relate to people from all walksof life. He was an empathetic man. 

He valued character over pedigree. And he was no cynic. He looked for the good in each person, andhe usually found it. Dad taught us that public service is nobleand necessary, that one can serve with integrity and hold true to the important values likefaith and family. He strongly believed that it was importantto give back to the community and country in which one lived. 


Which Pinterest Ad Formats Should You Explore?

Which Pinterest Ad Formats Should You Explore?

Pinterest offers a variety of ad format options for every goal. Here are some worth exploring:
  • Standard: Vertical or square image
  • Video
  • Shopping: Buyable pins allow users to buy instantly
  • Carousel: Users can swipe through multiple images in one pin
  • Collections: Mix lifestyle photos with product images in this ad format
Select the ad type that makes the most sense for your brand. For example, if you have a more visual-oriented product, a video or carousel ad may be the best fit. If your company offers a service or experience, collections would likely be best suited.
Pinterest user Jess Bahr compiled a Pinterest board of Pinterest ad examples. The board features numerous businesses and ad types.
One Pinterest success story is BlendJet, which saw 2x better sales. The company turned to Pinterest for a highly visual campaign highlighting the blender’s portability, versatility, and design, and saw its sales double as a result.
Video ads acted like product demos, showing how the blender works. Meanwhile, standard ads depicted scenarios for using the BlendJet One, from in the car to on the trail. The company’s campaigns have now offered an 8x return on investment (ROI).


While Pinterest SEO may seem intimidating at first, it’s simple to navigate once you get the hang of it. If you’re looking for a proven method of driving brand awareness as well as website traffic, Pinterest is worth exploring.
Remember, over 400 million people visit Pinterest each month, and 90% of those users make buying decisions on the platform.

Pinterest for E-commerce

Pinterest for E-commerce

Pinterest simplifies the online shopping experience by making it easy to search for products. If your goal is to sell on Pinterest, set up a Pinterest Business Account, which comes with an array of personalized support, creative strategies, and campaign guidance.
A business account also gives you access to analytics and ads. As you add more content to your account, you’ll be able to collect data on views and engagement.
It’s critical to optimize your website for Pinterest users. Consider people who may want to pin items from your site to their boards.
Start by adding the Pinterest tag to your website to track conversions.
Also, add share buttons to your product pages. This encourages visitors to follow you on Pinterest and share your products with their networks.
Sellbrite points out that Forever 21, a women’s clothing brand, does a great job of this.

pinterest share button example

Clicking the share button takes visitors to Pinterest. There, they can pin the products they like.
This can encourage interactivity on your website, and keep your customers engaged with your brand across the digital landscape. Plus, when you have the Pinterest tag in place, you can leverage the data to create targeted advertising campaigns.
The Ultimate Pinterest Marketing Guide provides more explanation and case studies. It dives into a variety of tools, settings, categories, and other elements that can make or break your approach to Pinterest SEO.

How to Optimize Your Pinterest Boards

How to Optimize Your Pinterest Boards

Create Pinterest boards strategically, and pin and repin relevant content to build a strong presence.
How does Pinterest know which cars to compare? By keywords. You should include keywords in your board names, board descriptions, and in the descriptions of each photo you pin. This tells Pinterest how to categorize your pins and content. To optimize your content, start by doing keyword research. Search Pinterest for terms that correlate to your audience and industry.
As you type, Pinterest auto-suggests a variety of terms to help you narrow down your search. Make note of these terms.
Add them to your pin descriptions, board titles, image text, and profiles. You should also integrate relevant hashtags with corresponding phrases.
For example, CaféPress has Pinterest boards for various product segments. Clicking on their pin highlighting masks for kids showed a thorough description comprising a variety of relevant keywords.

Pinterest as a Search Engine

Pinterest as a Search Engine

You are using the Pinterest search engine to drive traffic to your own website. Pinterest debuted The Taste Graph in 2017 to enhance targeting. They said:
By understanding people’s evolving tastes, preferences, and interests, the Pinterest Taste Graph connects the millions of people on Pinterest to hundreds of billions of fresh ideas that are just right for them. It’s how we surface the perfect ideas for each Pinner, helping them find fresh ideas to love as they move through the various stages of planning their lives.
Pinterest spent years refining their understanding of user behavior and turning it into an actionable resource for businesses.

Several businesses have been able to leverage Pinterest for website traffic. Ben Silbermann, Pinterest’s co-founder and CEO, had this to say about how the search engine functions:
We often talk about Pinterest as like a human indexing machine. Google built these crawlers that would go out, and these amazing algorithms. We give people tools that let them organize in a way that makes sense to them, and in doing that they organize in a way that makes sense to other people.
You must show Pinterest that your pins are relevant to the terms users search for. Relevance refers to how closely your pin fits your audience’s interests, recent search history, and distinct searches.
Pinterest’s engineering team shared an overview of how they extract and assign keywords to pin images. Pinterest assigns pins keywords called annotations that are between one and six words long. They then assess your pin’s relevance to these keywords with a confidence score based on the quality of the information extracted (text-based keywords are more highly rated) and how many times that keyword appears.

image4 6

In this graphic, the two Maseratis are more like one another than they are to the Honda. This is reflected in the cosine similarity scores.

How To Get Facebook Followers Organically in 2020

Whether you think Facebook is sexy or ugly it's one of the most popular sites on the Internet there's Google and then there's Facebook and they flip back and forth between the most popular site on the web and today I'm going to teach you how to get Warface events without spending a dollar on advertising. 

First StepSo the first thing you need to do is invite all your Facebook friends to join your fanpage .

Second Step : The second thing you need to do is go find all the competing fan pages that are out there just type in a search into Facebook in their search bar typing keywords related within your space and you'll see all the competing fan pages.


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