What is up everyone.Now in today I'm actually going to show you exactly how to grow your Instagram account organically. No bots, no cheating, no body followers, no nothing in 2019. Now I've had my Instagram account for a while,and since then I've grown it to over 7,000 followers, almost 8,000 followers using onlypurely organic strategies.
Now I know nowadays it's really easy to buyyour way into Instagram success. You can buy followers, you can buy likes,you can buy anything that you want. But for me personally, I've always favoredthe organic approach, especially if you are using Instagram for your business. And I really say this for multiple reasons.
First of all, if you're spending money automatingyour account or spending money buying likes and buying followers, you're going to needto financially keep that up for a long period of time. If you suddenly stop the financial investmentof growing your account, it's going to be very obvious that your past success was allfake, and it was something that you purchased and now you can't keep up with it.
I've seen a lot of influencers and I've seena lot of people have huge accounts and huge success all of a sudden, and then you seea sudden crazy drop off because suddenly maybe they decided it wasn't worth their investmentanymore, or they couldn't keep up with the prices. That's a really dangerous spiral to find yourselfin. The second reason why it's important to stickto organic strategies, especially again for your business, is you want to engage withreal people, with real audiences, real potential customers, real potential clients.
If all of them are fake or if all of themare ghost followers, you're really only talking to yourself. If you agree with my points at all or youare actually down for learning all of this, then keep on watching because I'm going toshare with you my five top hacks that I've used to grow my Instagram organically to almost8,000 followers. And also before I forget, make sure you keepon watching because at the end I'm going to share a resource that you can download withmy full checklist of things to look at when growing your Instagram organically.